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Date: September 25, 1989 10:49
Deck found a bug in the new gen_eer.asm, which has in fact been there for quite some time. Anyway, If you are including gen_eer.asm from [68k_us], you should re-assemble it. If you have a private, modified copy, you should change the three lines centered on the label "cs10:" to be: MOVE.L #EER_LOG-1,D2 * error log is first non-cleared stat CS10: CLR.L -(SP) * value = 0 MOVE.L D2,-(SP) * statcode You will also need to define EER_LOG in your xxx_eer.asm (the file that includes gen_eer.asm). It will probably be 10 (decimal), but in any case should be whatever it is in your eerdefs.h file. For reference, If your gen_eer.asm is so old that the next line is _not_ BSR eer_puts ...you don't have this particular bug, but you have so many others that you are in deep trouble already and I wouldn't sweat the thunder-showers. Sorry, Mike
Sep 25, 1989