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Date: September 25, 1989 15:47
If you don't work with either SciDesign schematics or Abel, this doesn't apply to you. If you do use these facilities, I have created a couple of command procedures which may be of interest to you. EE$USERDISK:[HUBBERSTEY.CAETOOLS]ABEL.COM - This procedure wil run the Abel PLD compiler for you with a few added features over the standard procedure in ABELEXE:ABEL.COM. - It remembers the previous command line and will re-execute it if invoked with no parameters. - It only runs simulation if specified by a command-line flag, /S. - It chooses "Presto by pin" reduction (-R3) if not specified otherwise. - It will submit the FUSEMAP and SIMULATE executions to a Microvax II batch queue if you are not logged onto one. - It provides online help for ALL those pesky command-line flags by invoking with ? as the first parameter. The only restriction is that it must be run with a symbol defined by the following command line or strange things will happen: ABEL :== @EE$USERDISK:[HUBBERSTEY.CAETOOLS]ABEL EE$USERDISK:[HUBBERSTEY.CAETOOLS]SCIDXREF.COM - This procedure will generate a cross-reference list of all tag names in a set of SciDesign schematic sheets as well as a list of all tags referenced only once and, optionally, a list of the number of times each tag is used. This is intended mainly as a utility for generating node-name cross-reference lists but can be used for other things, such as figuring approximate bus loading (how many times is D0 used, for instance), locating components on back-annotated schematics (what sheet is R6 on?) and whatever else you can think of. It provides online help by invoking with ? as the first parameter. Feel free to use these or hijack portions for your own purposes. Tim
Sep 25, 1989