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Date: March 10, 1987 21:11
To: @sys$mail:engineer,SHEPPERD
Just when you thought you had it all figured out, we go and change everything. What has been changed: Each user on all the systems now has a unique UIC (User Identification Code) which makes the cluster software officially released. You no longer need to use DECnet to copy files back and forth between systems. You shouldn't even need to copy files back and forth at all (except for backup purposes). For those of you who have directories on other systems, you can access your files (for read and write) from any system by using the device names of node$USERDISK (userdisk(s)) or node$SYSDEVICE (system disk) for example: $ DIR KIM$USERDISK:[FRED] Please avoid using the old (DECNET) method with KIM::, CHARM::, etc. We'd all appreciate it and so will you. I suggest that you use logical names to point to the various disks on which you may have directories. I think that you'll find the cluster much more convenient especially with PRINT, IMI and DIO procedures. The next thing we changed was the way the ques work on Kim and Charm (Sandy will soon be joining this group). They operate from a common job que manager file so each "knows" about the other's ques (both print and batch). Using the cluster software we were able to make the two line printers spool from a common SYS$PRINT. The consequence of this is that the items you asked to be printed on Kim for example, may in fact be printed on Charm's line printer and visa-versa. So, look in the baskets of either printer for your printout. At the moment, the batch ques work the same as they always have. You can still reference them as SYS$BATCH, etc. but they are really named KIM$BATCH or CHARM$BATCH, etc. As for the letter quality printers, you can use the PRINT command from either Kim or Charm to either the NEC spinwriter or the Diablo 630 in the common area: $ PRINT/QUE=LQ0 your_file !NEC spinwriter $ PRINT/QUE=RAINS$LQ your_file !Diablo What will be changed: I'm requesting input from everyone before I make the next major change. If you have some serious objections, then maybe I won't do it this way: I plan to combine all the user authorization files of all the systems into one common file. After this is done, all users will have an account on ALL the systems, however, each user's account will point to a single directory located on what will be called his/her "home" system. For example, my home system would be Kim, so which ever system I logged into, my default directory would be KIM$USERDISK:[SHEPPERD] so the LOGIN.COM in that directory would be run at login. Some one else's home directory may be on a different system. Those of you with accounts on multiple systems will have to specify (if it isn't obvious to me) which one they want as their home directory. There are some benefits to this procedure at present, namely the IMI and DIO could be run by anyone without having to have accounts on Kim and Charm nor would they have to copy files around or change defaults or whatever. You would no longer need node names on the mail distributions and indeed you should NOT put node names on the dist lists, since everyone will have only one MAIL file (in or off of your home directory) and all systems will know about all the users. This would make sending mail quite a bit faster (probably almost as quick as sending to someone on the same node as you). Kim and Charm's batch queues could be combined so that batch jobs would be scheduled alternately between them to better even the load. Techincally you could switch systems (via a SET HOST) if you found the one you were on was too busy, however, you'd be jumping from the frying pan into the fire if you switched from say, Kim to Ernie, Sandy or Mike during the day. I say this is technically possible, but Ernie, Sandy and Mike don't have the same software installed as Kim and Charm (and visa-versa) so your jobs probably wouldn't run on those systems anyway. We will be adding more Kim's, Charm's and Ernie's to the cluster in the next few months so the SET HOST scheme may become more of a possibility. We plan to make the first new VAX a processor dedicated to batch jobs. You'd still be able to SET HOST to it, but you may not want to if it has 4 to 6 batch jobs running on it all the time. More about this as things develop. These features, however, do not come free. The cluster node that has the user authorization, mail, network, job que and rightslist files has to remain up or the whole cluster would grind to a halt (crash). I'm going to put those files on the system with the highest reliability whichever one that might be. Accessing a file through the cluster costs both CPU time and access time. The raw data rate is roughly 1/2 of what it is via a locally connected disk and between 10 and 25% of both systems invloved in the I/O dissappears during the transfer. We are not, for most of the applications that we run on Kim and Charm anyway, anywhere near being I/O bound so that might not even appear noticeable. From: KIM::SHEPPERD 12-MAR-1987 15:53:33.92 To: @dups,SHEPPERD CC: Subj: One for all... You guys currently have accounts on more than one system. Beginning on Monday morning, EVERYONE will have an account on ALL the systems. This is available because after that date there will be a single user authorization file. This file will point your default login to a single node and no matter which system you login on, you will always be pointing to that same "home" directory. The consequence of this is that you will no longer be able to get at your MAIL messages on a particular node by just logging on on that node. What you will have to do (or even what you can do now) is, once in MAIL, type: MAIL> SET FILE node$USERDISK: where "node" is the node name on which you wish to read mail. If your mail directories are not named the same on each different node, then you'll need to specify the directory in addition to the node$USERDISK:. For example, in my case, I've SET MAIL_DIR on all the nodes except ERNIE to [.MAIL] so I'd have to type: MAIL> SET FILE ERNIE$USERDISK:[SHEPPERD] to get to my mail messages on ERNIE. This also implies that only the LOGIN.COM file that is present in your home directory will be run at login. If you have procedures that need to be run differently on each node (as many of us do), then you'll need to use conditional execution in your LOGIN.COM file such as: $ node := 'f$getsyi("NODENAME") !see which node we are, trim spaces $ kim = "IF node .EQS. ""KIM"" then " $ _kim = "IF node .NES. ""KIM"" then " $ charm = "IF node .EQS. ""CHARM"" then " $ _charm = "IF node .NES. ""CHARM"" then " $ kim $ do_kim_only_command $ _kim $ do_command_only_if_not_kim $ _kim _charm $ do_command_if_not_kim_and_not_charm You get the picture? ds
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Date: March 14, 1987 15:27
Starting today, everybody has an account on every computer. This means that MAIL "knows" about everyone on every node all the time. You no longer need to specify a node name when mailing to someone, and you should remove all references to node names in any .DIS files that you may have made. MAIL will stil work if you use a node name, but you'll find to be MUCH faster if you don't (and everyone else will benefit from the reduced CPU loads too). ds
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Date: March 16, 1987 18:47
Ok, ok, ok...It's back to the way it was (sort of). If you login to a system where you have a local LOGIN.COM in a directory on the local USERDISK named the same as it is on your home system, then the system will execute that login, define SYS$LOGIN to point to that directory and SET DEFAULT to the new SYS$LOGIN. If not then it'll execute your LOGIN.COM on your home node and leave your default there. For example: User FRED's home directory is KIM$USERDISK:[FRED] He also owns the directory CHARM$USERDISK:[FRED] and it has a LOGIN.COM file in it. He also owns the directory ERNIE$USERDISK:[FRED] and it doesn't have a LOGIN.COM file in it. He has no directory on SANDY If FRED logs in on CHARM, it'll execute the LOGIN.COM file in CHARMUSER$DISK:[FRED] and set his default there too. If he logs into ERNIE or SANDY, then, since there's no LOGIN.COM file, it'll execute KIM$USERDISK:[FRED] and leave his default at KIM. ds
Mar 10, 1987