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Date: March 17, 1987 20:27
More changes. DOWND used to blow up if you tried to download too big of a file, now it'll try to download what it can instead. It may still exit with error status on KIM until Kim can be re-booted to reset an errant sysgen parameter. There is a problem with DCL in that it won't return to the requesting program the complete command line if using the MCR facility. You MUST follow the program name with whitespace to delimit user stuff from DCL stuff. For example, in the case: $ DNL := MCR DOWND $ DNL/ADDR=0:1000 fred !or $ MCR DOWND/ADDR=0:1000 fred DCL will use the expression DOWND/ADDR=0:1000 (which is what the expression will be after the DNL symbol substitution) as the filename of the program to run and will "eat" the /ADDR=0:1000. DOWND asks DCL for the remaining command line parameters and is given only "fred". You can get around this by one of the following ways: $ DNL /ADDR=0:1000 fred !always follow the DNL with a space or ^ this space is important $ MCR DOWND /ADDR=0:1000 fred !ditto ^ watch this space $ DNL = "MCR DOWND " !define DNL with a trailing space or ^ this space is important $ DNL := $DOWND !define DNL as a foreign command The setup time for DOWND increases linearly with the size of the input file in ADDRESS SPACE, not necessarily with the quantiy of data. This is because it builds a memory image of the data to be loaded. If you compile 1 byte at address 0 and one byte at address 1000 (hex), the file is assumed to be 65k bytes big even though there's only 2 bytes in memory. Two things happen as a result of this. One is you may exceed your virtual memory quota (most people have about 8Mb of quota). The second is the excessive time it'll take VMS to deliver n megabytes of virtual memory. If you know what the address limits are of the data you want to download (or MIXIT, it has the same restrictions), then specify them. It's fastest if you specify both a lower and upper limit. It's slightly faster still if you specify to exclude symbols (/NOSYM), even if the file you are downloading has no symbols in it. On a similar note, when using MIXIT, I suggest that you select a binary file format wherever possible; VLDA is the most flexible. Not only are the files smaller, but MIXIT, DIO, IMI and DOWND can process them many times faster than they can the TEKHEX and ROM formats. A number of you are taking .HEX files, MIXIT'ng them into .ROM files then doing something else with them. If that something else doesn't involve editing or assembling, then you should be MIXIT'ng them into a VLDA file (VLDA files can be appended). ds
Mar 17, 1987