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Date: March 22, 1989 14:44
STUN RUNNER STUN RUNNER GAME DEVELOPMENT STATUS STUN RUNNER DATE: MAR 22, 89 PL: ED ROTBERG DATE STARTED: 28 APR 88 9 JUN 88 PROJECT LEADER: HALLY START DATE: 2 MAY 88 LAB: STUN RUNNER (MULTISYNC) EXT: 1727 OR 1720 NUMBER : 511 TEAM NU | | SCHEDULE or | MISSED DATES | | || | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROJECT START: < 2 MAY 88> 1ST REVIEW: < 6 JUL 88> 8 JUL 88 MULTISYNC PCB DEBUGGED < 1 AUG 88> 2ND REVIEW: < 2 SEP 88> 24 AUG 88 15 AUG 88 3RD REVIEW: < 10 NOV 88> 4 NOV 88 14 OCT 88 FOCUS GROUP: < 22 NOV 88> 16 NOV 88 4TH REVIEW: 31 MAR 89 20 JAN 89 13 JAN 89 FIELD TEST: 7 APR 89 10 MAR 89 10 FEB 89 PROD RELEASE: 26 MAY 89 19 APR 89 FGA: 14 JUL 89 4 JUN 89 HARDWARE Jed needs to determine the maximum draw for 5 volts with our configuration so we can determine power supply size (is 10 amps enough -- 15 too many??) CABINET Cabinet wood should be completed today. CONTROLS Controls for field test with plastic handles & down stop by 3/29. HARNESS Field test harness by 3/29. CABINET ART Kyoko to start cabinet art next week. GRAPHICS Graphics proceeding according to schedule. AUDIO No change. SOFTWARE Software changes to the game include: 1) New traffic routines have been implemented. 2) A "points" attract screen has been added but needs to be changed. 3) New Graphics have been added. 4) Added "vertical splits" to be used for warping to higher levels. This week we will be working on: 1) Devise & implement a new scheme for game continuation - level qualification. 2) Tuning traffic/markers/hotspots into levels 3,4, & 5. 3) Adding new attract modes: a) Scenario description that sets the tone for the game. 4) Capturing game play statistics and associated display screens as per marketing input. 5) Implement add-a-coin fully.
Mar 22, 1989