atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

New Utility- QDF

(1 / 1)

    I have written a "Quick and Dirty Formatter" to translate
an Intermetrics .AB file to an extended Tekhex .HEX file.  It
will also include the symbol table in a form palatable to the
Applied Microsystems. To use it, first define a symbol like: 

    QDF :== $ UTL$EXE:QDF

in your file (or wherever). Then format a file with:

    QDF filename

This is a simplified form of:

    QDF infile[.AB] [outfile[.HEX]] [/S=[symfile[.SYM]]] [/W[=width]]

which is what it will tell you if you say "QDF ?". A detailed
explanation of switches and options is in DOK:QDF.DOC, but
simply, the "infile", with default extension ".AB" is read and
converted to extended tekhex which is written to the "outfile",
with optional extension ".HEX". If the /S switch is present
with a filename (default extension ".SYM"), the symbols will
be output also. If only "/S" is present (no filename), the
symbols will be included in outfile.HEX. The /W switch sets
the width of the output lines. The default is 80 columns.
"/W" alone (no parameter) is equivalent to "/W=132". 

    The merged output should make downloading a little
easier, and the longer lines (even 80 is longer than usual)
should make it faster. QDF takes about 1/4 the time of CFOR,
plus 5% more if symbols are included. I make no representation
that this program is the general solution to all formatting
needs, nor that it will prevent tooth decay in rats. It is
intended as a quick substitute for CFOR and GENSYM.

Message 1 of 1

Oct 07, 1985