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Date: September 25, 1988 16:58
To: @sys$mail:engineer,SHEPPERD
I finally got the damn device driver and print symbiont working for the color printer. I can't recommend writing VMS device drivers and symbionts as a recreational activity. Anyhow, it's quite simple to use. You might want to define a word to short cut it even further: $ PRINT/QUE=TEK filename.type The system will assume a .LIS filetype (sorry, can't make it not do that) and Dave Theurer's TEK writer program(s) create files with null filetypes so you will typically have to suffix a period (.) to your filename. The only qualifiers on the print command that do anything are the /QUE and /NOTIFY. All the others (such as /HEAD/FLAG/BURST etc) are accepted but ignored. If you use /NOTIFY, the system will beep your terminal when it has finished sending the file to the printer but before the printer has imaged and printed your picture (it'll probably be done doing those by the time you get to the printer room). If there's an error either in the file or with the transfer of the file to the printer or with the printer itself you will be notified ONLY if you use the /NOTIFY switch on the PRINT command. If you don't use /NOTIFY and there is an error, the system will not tell you and it will simply toss your picture into the bit bucket. I recommend you always use /NOTIFY. There are 3 errors that may be reported: 1) %SYSTEM-F-DEVOFFLINE, Device not available... which means the printer is not plugged in and/or turned on. 2) %RMS-F-ILLREC, Illegal record type which means the file preamble is incorrect. See Dave Theurer if you get this error. The Tektronix printer requires a specially formatted file with several thousand bytes of information about how to format the picture, how the colors are defined etc. You can only print files that have been correctly formatted. If there is an error in the format, the system will return this error. 3) %SYSTEM-F-DEVCMDERR, Device command error which means the printer generated a fault condition. This may be due to bad data in the file, various timeouts or the printer ran out of paper or ribbon. There may be a bunch of other errors generated by the job controller, symbiont routines, run time library and others that just haven't popped up yet. If you get any of these, let me know. Now a word about the printer. The Tektronix printer appeared to be the best of all the color printers that were available within a $10k budget. It still appears that way, however, it does require some TLC. I believe you may need to clean the heads after printing around a dozen pages or so. The cleaning procedure is very easy, not the least bit messy, takes only about 30 seconds and can make all the difference in the world on the clarity of your print. If your picture appears a little fuzzy or has blotches in it, then the heads need cleaning. Come see me if you want to learn how to clean it. We haven't measured it yet, but have been told that it costs about 35 cents to print a picture. So please be reasonable about how many pictures you print. ds
Sep 25, 1988