atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

Name That Game!!!

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Why "Hard Drivin'?"

We are looking for alternative names for Hard Drivin' and would like your
input.  So this is your chance to be creative or at least cast a vote for 
your favorite name.

(Now, Ms. Mott, we know that as a former computer systems specialist 
you may have ways to stuff the ballot box in favor of your name choice,
but we'll trust you to try and remain impartial.)

The following is a list of names that have been suggested for the Moncrief
group's driving simulator game.  Take a few moments of creative energy
and try to add new alternatives to this list or just vote for your favorite.  
Send your reply to this address.  Thanks a lot!     --Linda 

Hard Drivin'     Slipstream      Heavy Pedal               Crash N' Burn

Motor Mania      Pocket Rocket   Bondurant                 Sears Point

Saleen           Cobra           Lean Mean Driving Machine 'Stang

Mustang Sally    Radical Rider   Racing Madness            Replay         

Simu-drive       Ferrari         Contash                   'Vette

Cobra            Spin Out        Free Wheelin'             Lead Foot

Flat Out!!       Haulin' Eh?     NO 55 (circle/slash)      Can't Drive 55

Clutch Poppin'   Gear Grindin'   Drivin'                   Stunt Racer

Real Drivin'     Hot Racer       Off Road                  Suicide

Name That Game!!!

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Great response so far.  Keep those votes coming in!!!

Here's a few more new ideas for your consideration:

Wipe Out                  Floor it!
Wheels of Death           Over Drive
Cool Rider                Double Clutchin'
Stunt Car                 Cross Country
Stunt Man                 Autobahn
Stunt Driver              Own the Road
Stunt Trainer             Cherry
Stuntulator               R.P.M.
Simu-Stunt                Road Test
Super Challenge Driving   Road Hog
Head On                   Test Driver

And more!  

Name That Game

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Wow!  There are too many of you to thank individually, so...

Thanks to all of you who responded and especially to those who added
to the list of alternative names for Hard Drivin'.  

I will be compiling a complete list of all suggestions and will review 
them all with the engineering team and the marketing/sales group this
week.  Just FYI, there were many votes to keep Hard Drivin' and, as for
new suggestions, Crash N' Burn and Stunt Racer seem to be the most

Thanks again!


RE: Name That Game

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You forgot "Street Legal" .

Message 1 of 4

Sep 27, 1988