atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

Sega Space Harrier PC Board Costs

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At Rick's request I have done an estimate of the PC Board costs for Sega's
Space Harrier.

Where possible, prices are taken from Downend memo, 4 Oct 88, P.O.W analysis.

Not having a board set to examine, I have made a lot of guesses.

Assumes maximum amount of memory.

CPU Board 	ICS						$121
		PC Board @$0.35/sq. in.		8x10???		$ 28

ROM Board:	ICs						$102
		PC Board @$0.35/sq. in.		4x10???		$ 14

Sound Board	ICs						$ 90
		PC Board @$0.35/sq. in.		8x10???		$ 28

Control Board	ICs					      	$132
		PC Board @$0.35/sq. in.		8x10???		$ 28

Grand Total for CPU Board, ROM Board, Sound Board, and Control Board: $543 

CPU Board

	68000-6				2		$3.50		$7.00

	27256				19		$3.00		$57.00

	8Kx8 SRAM, 150 ns		4		$3.50		$14.00
	2Kx8 SRAM, 120 ns		2		$2.00		$4.00

Custom (PALs?):
	315-5025 (CPU, Sheet 4, 9S)	1		$1.25		$1.25

	8255-2	   PIA			2		$4.00		$4.00
	25 MHz Osc Module		1		$2.50		$2.50
	Reset IC at 5B?			1		$2.00		$2.00

	ADC0804	   8 bit A/D		1		$1.00		$1.00
	4051	   Analog Mux		1		$ .50		$ .50

	TLP521	   Quad Opto-Coupler	4		$0.50		$2.00
	VLN2003	   Quad Trans. array	5		$0.50		$2.50
	8 Position DIP Switch		2		$0.40		$0.80

ToTaL TTL:				52	        $0.30		$15.60

	Yamaichi Type Conn., 50 pin 	3		$1		 $3
	Yamaichi Type Conn., 34 pin 	1		$1		 $1
	AMP Type Conn, 10 pin		1		$1		 $1
	AMP Conn., 50 pin		1		$1		 $1
	AMP Conn., 26 pin		1		$1		 $1
								Total	$121


ROM Board:
	27256/27128/2764/64k SRAM	32	$3.00		$96.00

	82S153, PROM?			1	$2.00		$2.00

	ToTal TTL:			6       $0.30		$1.80

	Yamaichi conn, 40 pin		2     	$1		$2.00
	AMP conn, 10 pin		1	$1		$1.00

Sound Board
	Z80A				1	$3.00		$3.00		

	27128				4	$3.00		$12.00

	2KX8 SRAM			3	$2.00		$6.00
	82S153, 256x8 PROM		1	$2.00		$2.00

	16 MHz Oscillator Module	1	$2.50		$2.50

	TL497A				1	$2.00		$2.00
	AD561, (DAC1022)  10 Bit D/A	1	$5.00		$5.00

	4066, Analog Switch		1	$0.30		$0.30

	MF6, Switched Capacitor Filters	2	$2.00		$4.00

	YM2203,	YM3014 Yamaha Chip Set	1	$34.00		$34.00

	TL084				1	$0.50		$0.50

	Molex Conn, 6 pin		1	$1		$1
	Connector, 34 Pin		1	$1		$1
	Connector, 10 pin		1	$1		$1

ToTaL TTL:				52	$0.30		15.60
							Total	$89.90

Control Board

Custom or unknown:

	315-5049 custom, 64 pins	2	$12.00		$24.00
	315-5119 (Sheet 1, 6S)		1	$2.00		$2.00
	315-5025 (Sheet 3, 4N)		6	$2.00		$12.00
	315-5012 (Sheet 4, 910E)	1	$2.00		$2.00
	315-5120 (Sheet 4, 9F)		1	$2.00		$2.00
	315-5118 (Sheet 6, 3R)		1	$2.00		$2.00

	Z80				1	$3.00		$3.00

	27128				6	$3.00		$18.00
	2764				1	$2.00		$2.00

	8Kx8 SRAM, 150 ns		2	$3.50		$7.00
	2Kx8 SRAM, 120 ns		6	$2.00		$12.00
	1Kx4 SRAM, 55ns			3	$2.50		$7.50

	PAL16R4				1	$1.25		$1.25
	PAL16R6				3	$1.25		$3.75

ToTaL TTL:		 		98	$0.30		28.40


	Yamaichi conn, 40 Pin		2	$1		$2
	Yamiaich conn, 50 pin		3	$1		$3

Message 1 of 1

Oct 07, 1988