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Date: October 10, 1988 17:10
[theurer.pps]radmod.doc : Description of radmod program. (10/10/88) There's a new program that does those things to rad files that you've always wanted to do. RAD file operations: > double or halve each cell in H or V direction > flip each cell around H or V axis > rotate each cell 90,180,270 or n degrees > scale each cell specified percentage in H and V directions RAD file analysis: > display pixel values in hex on the screen > tabulate palette usage for each cell & put results in a list file. > tabulate pixel usage for each cell & put results in a list file. To execute program: $ run [theurer.pps]radmod and answer all the questions Notes: > No picture information is lost when cells are rotated or scaled. The cell is automatically made bigger to hold the picture if necessary. If the cells are changed in size, then they will probably be rearranged on the rad page. > This is a new program and may have a bug or two. So if you use it and it does something weird, please save the file & write down what you did. > It does the operation specified to ALL the cells in the file. > It creates a new file with only the cell and palette information from the original file. It doesn't copy any funny stuff you might have on your pages that's not in a cell. And it doesn't copy over animation parameters. > It's fast. > If you want it to do more, lemme know. From: GAWD::SHEPPERD 11-OCT-1988 17:20:50.89 To: @sys$mail:engineer,@sys$mail:animators,SHEPPERD CC: Subj: Color printer probs. There appears to be a bug in the color printer device driver for the VAX. It will crash the system (BERT) sometimes for some reason, especially if more than 1 file is qued up. I suspect it is due to the driver spending too much time in kernel mode at an elevated priority which may be causing some ethernet traffic data overruns. So until I can figure out how to fix it, I've put a band-aid on it by forcing a time delay of 4 minutes between prints. It seems to take nearly that long to make a print anyway, so you may not notice a difference except your terminal won't be beeped until the timeout has lapsed. ds
Oct 10, 1988