atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

Quest Software Design

(1 / 1)

ATTENTION: All Software Designers interested in the QUEST (Growth Motion)
	   Hardware....(if not delete me now).

There will be a meeting on TUESDAY, NOV. 15 at 2:00pm in the ENGINEERING
CONFERENCE ROOM to discuss common software to be used on the QUEST hardware.
This is mainly for programmers who plan to use QUEST, to specify a software
"kernel" for the system.  Among other topics will be, Motion Object Driver,
Playfield Driver, OS routines, Collision and Utilities.  Please be familiar
with Rusty's animation sequence/command format, as the current Motion Object
Driver is based on this.  Please read/print [HUNT.DOC]ANIMDRIV.MEM before
attending this meeting.

PS: This is a required meeting for all programmers starting new projects on
    the QUEST hardware -- you know who you are!
Message 1 of 1

Nov 14, 1988