atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

Hardware Engineer COOP applicant

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	I received a resume from a design engineer interested in a
coop position at Atari next Spring (from Mid-March to Mid-September).
He espressed a strong interest in Video games, citing previous favorites
of I,Robot, Karate Champ, & Asteroids.

	He is attending Drexel University in Philadelphia which has
a well integrated coop program: coop experience is required to receive
a degree.  He has already worked at RCA back east for his first coop
assignment.  He will have what Drexel calls a "Pre-Junior" standing,
which means he has completed classes in Digital Design, Electrical
Instrumentation, Microprocessors and mini-computers, as well as others.

	I need to respond back to him on November 28 if we will have
an "opening" for him next year.  Please respond to me if YOU anticipate
having hardware designs in progress next spring thru summer which could
benefit with an additional engineer.  Since this applicant will not
have completed his degree, there will naturally be more "training"
reponsibilities than usual when working with a coop engineer.


Message 1 of 1

Nov 17, 1988