atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.


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         I do not have any desire to encroach on your responsibilities
         as Hardware Engineer for S.T.U.N. Runner (STUN). In fact, I
         realize that you are essential to the success of STUN. I know
         that you have invested a great deal of time in the hardware
         and have an interest in seeing it through to production.

         I apologize for not ensuring that you were involved in the
         recent decision to change the audio board on the prototype
         from the Hard Drivin' audio board to the SAC board. Lyle
         expressed a desire to have music in the game before the Focus
         group next Tuesday, and the Audio group felt that this would
         be the easiest way to go. I made the mistake of asking Tim to
         look into exactly how we should do this -- I should have
         asked you or at least asked Tim to ask you. I assumed that
         since this is just a temporary change and that we needed it
         done right away, you and Rick would prefer that we handle it.

         I will try to keep you involved as much as possible. I hope
         you will be somewhat tolerant though, if we don't do a
         perfect job of keeping you involved. But feel free to remind
         me that you are being left out if you notice we are
         neglecting you!

         We are currently trying to get a second system going so the
         programmers can continue working on one system while we put
         the other system in ROM in the cabinet. It appears as though
         it is a technician job, but we will let you know if we need
         your assistance. Feel free to come by and check with Glenn on
         the progress.

         The Focus Group starts Tuesday afternoon at 4:00. I hope you
         can attend!


Message 1 of 1

Nov 17, 1988