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Date: April 02, 1984 11:26
With the addition of many new VAXes (VAXi?), there are also many more users spread throughout the system. Many people have wondered how to find out where someone else might be in the network in order to send them mail or call them up via the PHONE utility. Well, there is a way, sort of... The PHONE utility has a DIR command that will tell you who is currently logged in, their terminal, and whether or not they are available for phoning. Normally, this command only tells you the users on your home system (node). However, by appending the nodename after the DIR command, you can also see who is on the other systems. What are the names of the other VAXes, you ask? The command SHO NET will tell you which ones are currently reachable from your system. For example: SHO NET This will list the other VAXes you can reach PHONE Enter the phone utility DIR HAPPY:: This will give you a list of all the users currently logged into HAPPY (note that the double colon is usually not required, except for the node DOC. The only drawbacks are: 1) You can only see the users on one system at a time 2) You can only see those currently logged in (however, this might be what you are after, if you want to phone that person) Happy phoning, Rusty P.S. The phone utility contains its own HELP function for those who are not familiar with it.
Apr 02, 1984