atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

VAX/16032 development board

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After 4 hours of trial and error, and some "Oh, did we forget to tell you .."
from NATIONAL, the 16032 development board is up and ready for VAX 
communications.  The forrowing are the basic setup procedures and 
requirements as of 8-5-'83, with version 2.00 monitor roms in the DB16000.

1. Connect DB16000 to terminal using supplied cable.
   ( 26 pos. edge connector to 25 pos. D SUBMINIATURE female connector with
   pins.  Cable is transparent. i.e. 1-1,2-2,3-3,etc., pin 26 not used. )

2. Verify terminal setup for :
     no parity, full duplex, RTS-CTS disabled,
     8 bits/char, bit 8 on transmit=8, 1 stop bit on transmit.

Steps 3,4 & 5 are not necessary for stand-alone operation.

3. Plug BLX-351 expansion board into DB16000 board at J3.

4. IGNORE the hardware manual setup instructions of 4.4.3 . See 4.4.4 .

5. Connect the BLX-351 to the vax cable ( that should go to the terminal)
   using an adaptor cable.
   ( 26 pos. edge connector to 25 pos. D SUBMINIATURE male connector with
   sockets. Cable is transparent. i.e. 1-1,2-2,3-3,etc., pin 26 not used. )   

1. Connect power to the DB16000 and terminal.

2. Press DB16000 reset switch ( S2, the more recessed of the two switches).

The terminal should display :
R VERSION_2.00_10-FEB-83

1. Enter an exclamation mark followed by return key. ( R changes to asterisk)

2. Type OMN=C followed by return key. (OMC=C is not echoed)

DB16000 is now up and running in STAND ALONE mode.  To put it into transparent
mode continue as follows.

3. Type after promt :
CMB C00056=96
CMB C00054=8
   This sets the baud rate of the BLX-351 to 9600.

4. Type :
   The DB16000 is now in transparent mode and you are talking to the VAX.

If the vax talks to your terminal with a different protocol than shown in
HARDWARE point 2 above, then have Steve Suttles change the VAX communications
protocol for your terminal so you dont have to change setup every time.

To return to STAND ALONE mode, (to examine memory, etc. ), press the 
DB16000 reset switch and repeat the !,OMN=C part of the initialisation.


DB16000 update

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An updated initialisation procedure for the DB16000 development board 
is available in [MCCARTHY.ROADTEST]DB16000.LIS
Notable changes are MMU installation, uppercase not required and using 
CTRL B in transparent mode to send a command to the DB16000.

DB16000 , MMU BUG FIX.

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Solution to the problem of Transparent mode operation with the MMU installed.

After getting into Stand Alone mode (!,omn=c) type
CMM =80000         before setting BLX bd. baud rate with cmb commands. 

Apparently, when the monitor initialises the MMU, the port addresses 
for the BLX board get mapped to the fourth dimension.

Once more, an updated initialisation procedure for the DB16000 development 
board is available in [MCCARTHY.roadtest]DB16000.LIS
Message 1 of 3

Aug 06, 1983