atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

the NEC Spinwriter

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	DO NOT take your printouts from the middle of the pile without
taking care of the pile.  The baskets will only start to stack printouts
if they are empty.  They will continue to stack if you leave them alone
(and luck is with them) but you, yes you, personally guarantee that every
printout after the one you dig for will be mangled if you don't take
care of the whole pile.

	This still applies if yours is the last job.  If you can take the
time to find your job, then you have time to empty the basket.  If you
don't, it still dumps the following listings on the floor.

	I find it interesting to note that every time this happens, ALL
banner pages are removed which identify the culprit.  I have had it with
cleaning up the room after others;  since I can tell who the culprit is
by other means, I'll send them this annoying message for a few times, and
if that doesn't work, I'll let the public know.  None of this is new.


NEC Spinwriter

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I am guilty. Yesterday, I removed a listing from the Spinwriter and did not
remove, separate, and stack the couple of listings in the basket.

One reason for this is because I am frequently unsuccessful in separating the
paper without it tearing. I assume that people use the Spinwriter because
they are going to use the printout for something reasonably important. 

I am surprised to learn that the output from the Spinwriter is so volumious
that it spills out onto the floor.

I am puzzled by your reference to the header sheets being missing, thereby 
making it difficult for you to trace the culprit. I have never seen the
Spinwriter produce a header sheet. Are we both talking about the Spinwriter
in the Printer Room or have I been missing something?

I do observe proper printer etiquette regarding the Printronix printers.

As long as we are on the subject of the Printer Room, it would be nice to have 
a working terminal in the Printer Room or its vicinity, for those times when
something gets screwed up and I need to log on to get a listing. (My office is a
long way from the Printer Room.)

It would also be nice to add an additional terminal to the DIO Room so that both
the 288 and the 29 can be used at the same time.



RE: NEC Spinwriter

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	With reference to the header sheets, it is a stock message.
As you correctly infer, the problem applies more often to the Printronix
printers than it does to the spinwriter.  However, as you also point out,
anyone wanting printouts worthy of retention uses the spinwriter; unfortunately,
this includes printouts of online documentation, and quite a few people use
it for printing mail message, status reports, and general memos.  It does
indeed spill out onto the floor.

	It would cure the stacking problem if you would simply remove the
detritus from the basket and put it on the shelves.  It is assumed that
when people pick up their listings, they check for a complete listing.
Finding an appendix, it would only be reasonable to assume they would remove
the others' listings from their own, and leave them for the others involved.

	The reason I sent the message (the reason I send it every time I do so)
is because there were enough printouts following the missing one to cause
problems.  Admittedly, this is contrary to general supposition (nobody thinks
we use that printer, but we go through more supplies for that one than
both printronix combined.

	With regards to a terminal in the printer room, there is one.  It is
usually powered off because it has a problem with overheating.  It is across
from the Spinwriter.

	With regards to another terminal in the Data I/O room, there are already
two in place.  We have eight ports tied up with the current configuration, 
because we have to provide DIO support when either Kim or Charm is down; four
ports are present for each system.  In order to add a terminal to control the
other DIO at the same time would require the addition of four more ports (a
terminal and a device port on each of two systems).  We don't have the wiring,
the free ports, or any working terminals to support this, and we also lack
the space to put the equipment if we did.  Lastly, the usage is highly sporadic.
The 29 can go for a week without any usage, and then the biggest obstacle to
getting it is other people using it, not the 288.  If you find a problem using 
the 29 because of 288 users, you might point out to them that there is another
288 near Ed Logg's lab, with an associated terminal.


Spinwriter message

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Since you want me to handle Spinwriter listings already in the basket on
those few times I use the Spinwriter, then fine, I will be happy to.

Since you don't want to put in a separate terminal in the DIO Room for the
29, then fine, I will handle being frustrated when I come to use it and
find it the 288 occupied by somebody whose ROMs are done but they are nowhere
to be found. 

BUT, don't tell me the terminal in the Printer Room is functional, because it
is NOT. Yesterday, I tried to use it; the screen is too dim. And even when it
was working, it didn't work properly.


Message 1 of 4

Feb 05, 1990