atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.


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As you all know by now I'm leaving to have my baby, today is my last day.
Liane will be replacing me while I'm out.  Please be helpful by letting her
know who you are when you're answering a page, when you want her to page
someone for you make sure you give her the extension you're at.  I've noticed
that some of you aren't checking your dial tone for message waiting and your
messages are sitting up her for a long time.  Please remember if you've left
your office for any length of time to listen to your dial tone when you return,
I know it,s aggravating to check your phone everytime and never have a message,
but that's the way the new system works.
It would be helpful if you introduced yourself to Liane when you're passing
through the lobby. She's a pretty girl so I know some of you single guys will
be tempted to STAND AROUND and SMALL talk her ear off, (you know who you are)
but please don't.  We want her to have a comfortable stay here at Atari,
besides answering the phones will keep her busy enough.  (said with a smile!)
Thanks for your help and understanding see you in a couple of months.
Message 1 of 1

Jan 26, 1990