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Date: May 28, 1991 17:08
Regarding Glenn's message (see below), I think that the fan on the bottom blowing down and out is our best bet right now. If it passes the heat test then I would favor it. Moncrief expressly asked that any fan mounted near the floor should be an exhaust fan to avoid sucking in dust. Jed's opinion would count more heavily than mine... ............................ Glenn's message ............................... From: GAWD::MCNAMARA 28-MAY-1991 16:47:15.27 To: DOWNEND,LOGG Subj: Steel Talons fan Someone needs to decide how the fan should be mounted in Steel Talons for production. It's Jed's hardware so he should have input. ID is at a loss of where to put the fan for the production cabinets. They asked me and I suggested on top of the cabinet, but they said no because it's too close to the monitors. The side is out because of the possibility of other games blocking the airflow. I suggested having the fan at the bottom blowing air down and out the rear with holes, but this can be a problem because hot air rises. I told ID not to do it this way until there was more input from other people, but they did it that way for the next game. Moncrief suggested having the fan blowing out the back, but the audio boards would have to be stacked to make room.
May 28, 1991