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Date: July 05, 1989 12:35
Hello: Dave Akers and myself are about to embark on our next project together and would like some help from the many talented, innovative and handsome people hear at Atari. We have informally run a number of possible game types past some of the grande fromages here at this company and have decided to explore the genre of the low cost puzzle type game. Pong, Tetris and Arkinoid being prime examples of these types of games that have been successful in the past. Hopefully this NEW game will be added to that list in the future. So we are going to have a little "PO-like" get-together to try and compile as many ideas as possible and y'all are invited. Friday afternoon the 14th of July @ 3:30 Central Conference Room 675 Sycamore. A variety of beverages, snacks and various materials will be available for your personal consumption and enjoyment. Remember: Think cheap, think simple, think addictive. Formal attire optional. Thanx, MSP PS If you are not talented, innovative or handsome we will have a short meeting before the 3:30 meeting to determine any new catagories that need to be established to fit your circumstance.
Jul 05, 1989