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Date: August 08, 1988 14:29
From: Owen Rubin [70715,542] Subj: St for Sale 1040ST w/ 2 meg memory and updated TOS in EPROM Built in DSDD drive (720K/3.5" floppy) and reconditioned mouse included. Both color and monochrome monitors "Monitor Master" monitor select switch 80 Mb Fujitsu Hard disk with Adaptec Controller and Berkeley Microsystems Interface card. (this disk is 100% compatible with Atari's hard disk and uses the Atari drivers.) Epson FX-85 printer (less tnan a year old) and LONG cable. Hayes 1200 modem (the "real thing, not a compatible) Much software including a legit copy of Mark Williams C compiler, just recently updated and includes the C Source code debugger. Additional SSDD external floppy drive (360K/3.5" floppy). Magic Sac cartridge: runs 75% of all Macintosh programs at full speed; uses hard disk. Many games in original boxes. Solid Oak monitor and disk drive stand (computer sits under and in front of this unit) Total market value of this package is around $3800. Owen will take $2000 or make him an offer. If you want just 1 or 2 pieces, call and make him an offer. Call him at home(xxx-xxx-xxxx) or car(xxx-xxx-xxxx) or work(xxx-xxx-xxxx).
Aug 08, 1988