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Date: November 23, 1987 12:49
Graphic Outlook is very powerful when you know how to use it. Unfortunately, that's a problem. We only have two copies of the manual. It has a respectable quantity of information in it's HELP facility; however, that's not always the most desirable mechanism to access it. So we've trans- formed the help file into a (somewhat) structured document with a table of contents and an index. THERE IS A LIMITED QUANTITY available in the printer room. The duplication costs were prohibitive, and office services will not absorb any more printings. So please don't take one if you'll just lay it in a corner. If you can (and will) really make use of it, by all means, take one. If we run out, and REALLY need more, your department's budget will have to pick up the tab. For those who don't know where the "printer room" is or can't get there, let me know you want one, & I'll send it through interoffice mail. sas
Nov 23, 1987