atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

Project Packet Board.

(1 / 1)


	I have been meaning to write this for a while.

	Outside my office is a bulletin board (on the floor)
on which I have posted the most recent review packets of 
all the products in development. They are there so everyone 
in the company can find out what various project teams are up to.

	Please remember the following:
	1. These are COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL. Do NOT remove 
	   them from the bulletin board area or duplicate them.

	2. These are packets that were distributed before the 
	   meetings therefore some of the information in them
	   will no longer be true. For updates bug the Project 
	   leader ( they usually like it when other are interested
	   in their project). Maybe you have ideas to add. Let them
	   know what you think. Why heck, discuss the game design 

	3. Only projects that have had meetings since the institution
	   of the board will be posted. Don't feel slighted if yours 
	   isn't there. (Heck you could even stick your latest one up 

	When the Game Design Group moves to it's new location I will 
have the board mounted on the wall. In addition to the latest fieldtest 
location results I will also add other information such as schedules
and licensing information. Let me know if there are other information items
(project development related) you would like us to provide at this location.

Stay informed, Enjoy...

Message 1 of 1

Jul 28, 1992