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Date: June 03, 1988 10:15
Components Engineering has begun the process of trimming the fat from the QPL by inactivating Atari part numbers for ICs that are no longer used or are obsolete. These parts will be removed from the active QPL and placed on a data base containing inactive parts. From time to time I will send out a mail messege that will refer you to a parts list in an EDT file in my directory, [ARVIDSON.AVL.REVIEW]. The file is for your review and will contain a list of ICs planned for inactive status. If you feel that some parts should remain active, please send me a listing of those parts. Old part numbers (37-xxxxx) remaining active will be converted to new part numbers (137xxx-xxx). The first list of IC part numbers planned for inactivation can be found in ERNIE$USERDISK:[ARVIDSON.AVL.REVIEW]9X-1.LIS. They will be inactivated in two weeks.
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Date: June 06, 1988 13:12
What does it mean for a part to be "Inactive"? Does it mean it will not appear on the AVL in Datatrieve? Does it mean that Manufacturing will scrap existing stocks of said "Inactive" parts? If I want to use an "Inactive" part will I have to fill out a CER? Some of the parts I am using on Driver and Stun Runner are being reported as "Inactive" They weren't "Inactive" when they were first put on the parts list. What is the deal? Jed
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Date: June 07, 1988 09:59
What does it mean for a part to be "Inactive"? Inactive parts are placed on a database for presently unused or unspecified parts. This means that they are not found on MANMAN or not known to be used on any project in development. The new-project parts lists as found in PC Design directories are researched to determine parts used in projects under development. If a part was inadvertently removed, it will be replaced. Does it mean it will not appear on the AVL in Datatrieve? Inactive parts and obsolete parts are removed from the AVL but not from Datatrieve. They are merely transferred from the database containing active or frequently used parts to a database for unused parts. There are six databases used and here are their Datatrieve names: reserved parts = DB3, active parts = DB4, inactive parts = DB5, obsolete parts = DB6, spare parts/marketing = DB7, approved vendors/part numbers = DB8. DB8 contains a status code for all vendors' part numbers: 0 = approved, 1 = restricted, 2 = temporary, 3 = disqualifed. When accessing Datatrieve directly, it is important to look at the status code. For a complete explanation see Rick Meyette or Jeff Bell. Does it mean that Manufacturing will scrap existing stocks of said "Inactive" parts? No. Removing seldom-used parts from the active list just clears the clutter from the database. It does not effect the physical inventory. If I want to use an "Inactive" part will I have to fill out a CER? I think not. A message or note to Jeff should do it. Ask Jeff or Rick Meyette for details. Some of the parts I am using on Driver and Stun Runner are being reported as "Inactive" They weren't "Inactive" when they were first put on the parts list. Send a list to Jeff and it should be taken care of. What is the deal? The purpose is to reduce the enormous size of the approved parts list, remove seldom-used or obsolete parts and speed up searches. Included in this clean-up process is the conversion of old part numbers (37-xxxxx, etc.) to new (137xxx-xxx, etc). All of this was started on 4-6-88 and the job must be complete by 10-6-88.
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Date: June 07, 1988 17:21
Regarding your questions about inactivating numbers and the AVL and Datatrieve, sometime ago I created a summary chart of the Datatrieve domains that contain the various status of parts. You may be interested in this one sheet outline so I'm going to send it to you via your next mail message. I already have a hard copy if you prefer to copy it. erwin
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Date: June 07, 1988 17:22
9 3-8-88 NEW AVL / QPL FILES (DOMAINS) DTR Domain DB2 Part number & status codes | ____________| | | DB3 Status = 0, reserved DB4 Status = 1, active DB5 Status = 2, inactive DB6 Status = 3, obsolete DB7 Status = 4, spare parts/marketing DB8 QPL (including vendor status codes) | _________________| | | 0 = approved 1 = restricted (!) 2 = temporary (*) 3 = disqualified Example: PR PN,GENERIC,DES,MFG,VPN,STATUS OF STUFF ______ | prints vendor status code ____| or : PR PN,GENERIC,DES,MFG,VPN,STATUS VIA VSTATUS OF STUFF __________________ | prints vendor status ____| 9
Jun 03, 1988