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Date: July 15, 1987 20:20
Warning, I released a new version of the IMI stuff (MIXIT, DOWND and DIO to follow shortly). This release fixed a bug in file handling when word sizes were greater than 8 bits and the file was greater than 128k bytes (MIXIT, DIO and DOWND have the same bug). Also, UPLOAD will now work on the IMI although it won't re-mix the data back into non-8 bit words. That is, if you programmed 2 Eproms with 16 bit data and upload those two Eproms into a file, you'll get a file with 2 sets of 8 bit data not what you started with. New feature: You can get Eprom checksums without programming them or even downloading any data to the IMI. The checksum displayed is the number that the IMI would compute, not necessarily what your self test would compute (Lipson is working on a more robust version). To get them, type IMI at any terminal (it'll say something about not being able to run the IMI if you're not at the IMI's terminal, ignore that), do a DEVICE and FILE selection as usual and type IMI_COMMAND: CHECK start-end Example: $ IMI IMI_COMMAND: FILE TEST 16 IMI_COMMAND: DEV 27512 IMI_COMMAND: CHECK 0-1FFFF IMI_COMMAND: EX $ If you have trouble with this release, you can use the old one by: $ ASS KIM$SYSDEVICE:[OLDIMI] IMI$SYSTEM before typing IMI. ds
Jul 15, 1987