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Date: October 25, 1991 11:56
I revised and updated the font quick reference yesterday (it's now 3 pages long). It shows all the fonts loaded onto the Varityper VT-600 laser printer's hard disk. Note that if you print a Mac file on any of the QMS PS-410 printers, the majority of the fonts on the sheet are NOT in those printers. For those unfamiliar with how Mac fonts work, you HAVE to have the downloadable printer fonts on your computer (usually in the System folder) to print properly at the QMS printers. If you have a small hard disk, remember that the entire collec- tion of these printer fonts takes up about 4.25 MB -- and the screen fonts for them take up additional space. Copies of the quick reference are available on the round table in the Publications Dept. common area. Help yourself. If you want the printer or screen fonts, see me. Andrea
Oct 25, 1991