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Date: April 18, 1991 16:52
Please welcome Victor Marcieca to Coin-op. Victor prefers to pronounce his last name as Mer-CHEE-ah. Victor comes to us from Tengen where he was a Game Counselor. His primary role in Coin-op is playtester with some game analysis and design as a secondary role for all Engineering groups. Victor will also be available to assist with field test games in terms of moving, stat taking, and collections. He cannot drive the truck. Victor will report to me. Initial assignments include final playtest on Marble Man and Road Riot - you know, logging 40 hours of bug-free play before the program memory masters are released. He is also assigned to work with the SPACE team in a game analysis role and possibly some game design as circumstances permit. Victor has quite a bit of experience with Coin-op games and I invite all the game teams to solicit his opinions. I think you will find him enthusiatic and insightful. His office is the cubicle between Peter Lipson and The EPROM programmer.
Apr 18, 1991