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Date: November 06, 1989 15:07
I have received numerous reports concerning personal mail placed in my hands which has turned up missing. So far, the instances have been far and few between (with one noteworthy exception), my only concern is the consistency of the reports. Please do not panic as so far the addresses have been outside the county and only number in the few. But I need to get more aggressive concerning this problem. So, please rack your brain and if this has happened to you please supply me with the following: The Name and Address the Item was sent to. The approximate date it was sent. When it was placed for pickup. Please give me as much info as you can, altho I do not expect all of the above in every case, the more I get the better. Hopefully, between myself and the post office some pattern will emerge. Altho you are pretty safe concerning personal mail going thru my office, you might consider mailing it somewhere else if it's important. Thank you in advance for your assistance. gems
Nov 06, 1989