atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

Health Care

(1 / 1)

I disagree with the NWNL rep's decision to go with the health care
that costs the least.  I intend to make health care decisions for my
family based on getting the best possible outcome healthwise.  If
Atari helps cover the financial end through an insurance plan, that's
great.  If NWNL eventually goes full PPO (HMO) resulting in Atari's
insurance plans not covering the cost of any physicians I choose, well
that's OK, I'll still choose first and ask how much last.

Question: Is it the high cost of insurance (malpractise) that is
	  driving up the cost of insurance (health plans) ????

Another:  Who's more likely to be driving a Mercedes now:
	  a physician or an insurance executive ???

One more: Among yourself, a physician, and an insurance agent,
	  in whom do you trust first ??, second ??, last ??

Answers may be found under the rug.
Message 1 of 1

Dec 11, 1986