atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

Gulp....A new editor...

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Announcing a new editor: TPU for Text Processing Utility. There's
a file UTL$MAC:NEWTPU.TXT that you can peruse at your convience with
details about how to use it and stuff.


New section file for TPU

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I've updated the TPU section file in UTL$EXE. The new options are:

	You can exit via VAXTPU command EX, EXI or EXIT
	Type GOLD/I to include a file (prompts for filename) into
		the aux_buffer (it will do a Gold/W for you).
	Type GOLD/U to include a file to be updated at exit
	  (Same as "include", except TPU will write a new version
	   of the file if you make changes in the aux_buffer).
	Buffer and file names reported on the aux_window status line

Changes upcoming (later):

	GOLD/F to cause current window to grow to full screen size
	Execute EDTEM commands with GOLD/7.
	Single key adjustment of aux window size (inc/dec).
	Tab adjust line mode command
	Vertical cursor movement accounting for tabs
	Probably others...


TPU section file update

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'tis the last update for many moons. The latest features of EDTEM are:
(in addition to previously mentioned features)

	Gold/W - display aux window/make current window full screen
	Gold/up_arrow - goto aux window
	Gold/down_arrow - goto main window
	Gold/I - read a file into aux_buffer for INSPECTION (read_only)
		(NOT the same as INCLUDE file =AUX)
	Gold/U - read a file into aux_buffer for UPDATE (auto-write on exit
				or at next Gold/I or Gold/U)
	Gold/L - Learn the following key strokes (macro creation)
	Gold/R - Remember the previous keystrokes (macro end)
	Up_arrow/Down_arrow take into tabs into account (works like EDT).
	All EDTEM commands can be entered via Gold/KP7 (as well as TPU
	   commands. Gold/KP7 EXIT is VAXTPU exit however.)
	Bells are turned off at EXIT
	...working message on prompt line

You can adjust the size of windows by entering the VAXTPU command:

	aux_size := bla_bla;	!default is 8 (includes a status line)
	full_screen := whatever; !default is 22 = 
				!    24 - 1 message line - 1 prompt line
You'll need to do a couple of Gold/W's to make the new sizes take effect.
There are no checks for legit values for these sizes, so if you set them
to something goofy, you may get some pretty wierd displays.

I'll fix bugs (maybe), but no more gizmos, please.


Another TPU update

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I forgot to mention three additional items:

	Assign logical name TPU$EXT to the default file extension you
	   use or will be using frequently, such as .C or .B16. The
	   new EDTEM section file will apply this default to filenames
	   to be edited. (The system defualt is ".").

And left over from debug of the procedures:

	Gold/C does: compile(select_range);edt$reset;
	Gold/M toggles main_window between main_buffer and
		message_buffer if current_window is main_window.

Incidently, only the last 20 messages are saved in message_buffer, not
all since edit startup.


I lied...

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...about the TPU section file being stable. I made one last (?) small change.

It will look for a file pointed to by TPU$INIT: to do last minute setups.
The file is assumed to be a .TPU file, is loaded into tpuinit_buffer and
executed. If the execution succeeds without errors, then the tpuinit_buffer
is deleted else it is left hanging around so you can edit it to fix it.

Useful to do customising for particular jobs. You can use UTL$COM:EDTINIT.TPU
as an example or as your setup file if'n you want. Assign TPU$INIT: to
a directory and file (defaults to .TPU).


An undocumented feature of TPU (aka bug)

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I didn't know it did this and it may cause you a problem later:

	At each edit startup, TPU automatically searches for, opens
	and reads in a file named TPUINI.TPU from the current
	default directory (SYS$DISK:[]). It does this after the
	the section file init and command file (if any) specified
	on a /COMMAND option has been read in. This means it is
	possible (if using UTL$EXE:DMSEDTSECINI) to have 3 startup
	command files:

	First - any specified by logical TPU$INIT:
	Second - any specified by /COMMAND at DCL level
	Third - a TPUINI.TPU file located in the current
		default directory.

The TPUINI.TPU file can be a real problem if you've created a bad one
(maybe an infinite loop in it or something), and try to use TPU to fix


Yet another TPU section file...

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There's a new TPU section file in UTL$EXE:. I also made some updates to the
UTL$COM:EDTINIT.TPU file that turn on the "new" features of the section
file. The new features in the section file are non-destructive, but the
updated EDTINIT file disables PF2 and GOLD/PF2 (the graztifratz HELP keys).
Take note if your using that init file.

The new feature:

	Line mode command:	ERROR [filename]

which reads the file into the aux_buffer and positions the window over the first
occurance of an error message. The cursor stays in the main window. The filename
is optional and defaults to the name of the file in the main_buffer with a .LIS
extension. The EDTINIT file examines the main input file type and sets a string
that is used as an error message search string (i.e. %CC, %MACRO, etc.). Then
the PF2 key is defined to be 'find next error'. Pressing the PF2 key will scroll
the aux_window to the next occurance of the error string. The direction of the
scroll is determined by the current_direction flag (set by the KP4 and KP5
keys). The line mode ERROR command can be abbreviated to no fewer than two
letters (or else it becomes an EXIT!).

FYI: the file fetch uses the GOLD/I mechanism, so if the aux_buffer has data
in it, TPU may prompt for permission to blow away the old contents (a file
entered via a GOLD/U will automatically be written out).


New TPU section file

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A new TPU section file has been placed in utl$exe. This file fixed two
small bugs:

	1) a SET SCREEN now affects the main, message and aux windows
		(previously the aux_window wasn't changed)
	2) the "short cut" GOLD/W (GOLD/{up} or GOLD/{down} when
		only 1 window is displayed) has been fixed. This used
		to produce the error "unable to operate on invisible

If you have been using the standard TPU calling conventions, you needn't
do anything different to access this section file.

Message 1 of 8

Sep 16, 1985