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Date: June 05, 1987 11:32
Petersen/Wallin reports that things are really crazy in the EPROM market. We have contracts for delivery of large quantities at reasonable prices, but the spot price in the market is up to $12.00 for 27512's; hence deliveries have gotten flakey and Peteren suuspects the manufacturers are slipping our orders to fill more lucrative orders. Atari recently had to buy 10,000 27512's through distribution at $8.15 to meet current commitments. Rod Petersen also suggests we use $8.00 as the cost for 27512's until things settle out in the EPROM market. In the mean time, they have been working with Erwin Arvidson to get more vendors on the AVL - I believe Rod said that Toshiba, Mitsubishi, TI are now on the AVL for 27128/27256/27512. Manufacturing reports that the Toshiba's program much faster than AMD or any of the others. Also Toshiba and Mitsubishi have a fallout rate of about 1/2 % as opposed 1 % with AMD. Wallin also said they will be looking for ROM vendors since we have a verbal quote of $2.50 for 23512 ROM's from Sharp (masks extra - about $2000). Getting 200 ns parts is a REAL problem, getting 250 ns parts is easier, and Manufacturing would like to use 250's instead of 200's wherever possible or even "slightly not possible". Engineers should evaluate their timing and be prepared to make a judgement call in this respect.
Jun 05, 1987