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Date: March 05, 1990 09:37
Rick; I would like to make a request to get 2 DSII PCBs installed on my development stations before April 7. I would also like to get two RAM PCBs to go with them. I am expecting a considerable amount of graphics soon and I want to download them rather than burn EPROMs. I am willing to live with no audio for several months. When can I get these? I have asked Max to install the fast background which has never been installed on Stun Hardware with 288 lines. At the same time he was to install the new No-Lag code. I hope this does not cause any delays in his schedule. I have also asked Eric to correct one of the feedback joystick PCBs. It drifts to the left. Do you know any experienced helicopter pilots or instructors? Rob Rowe knows a test pilot at NASA but I would like a local second source to ask questions on handling and especially the feedback aspects. Thanks
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Date: March 05, 1990 15:56
Rick; I talked to Max today and he suggested that I wait before I get the DSII PCBs. It would be great if I could use 2 RAM PCBs. If these are not available or if it is not easy to connect them to the ADSP, then give Karen the schematics to do 2 wirewraps for me. Thanks
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Date: March 08, 1990 09:42
Yesterday I tried to run my program and it hung in READPOTS waiting for the last pot conversion to finish. Resets of the PCB did not help. I had to enter Jed's self test and then retry my program before it would run. There is something I am not reseting and I would like to know what it is and why it is not my code now and where it should be. Thanks
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Date: March 12, 1990 11:40
Jed; I have both RAM PCBs. One seems to work fine and one fails the RAM test. Could you get the board debugged? Thanks
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Date: March 13, 1990 10:04
Jed; This morning my development system died. I found that I cannot read my self test EPROMs. The starting PC and SP are incorrect and change depending on the time of day. I wonder if there is a bus conflict with the new RAM PCB? I will try checking the self test EPROMs, but I will need someone to look at this since Eric is gone. Thanks
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Date: March 15, 1990 10:24
Rick, Here is my formal request list for your groups support for Ed Logg's helicopter game. These requests may or may not overlap what Ed L. has requested from you already. 1) We need to either have a modified version of Max's universe CAD -> sector matrix conversion program, or access to said source so that I can modify it myself. I have spoken to Max and he is aware of the changes that we need which will support the wrap arounds scheme that we are planning to use. 2) We need a driver board modified for use as a universe cad tool. The modifications can be done by Farrohk, but appropriate documentation will be necessary. Also, since our object database is still very much in flux, a ram based system (as opposed to ROM) is highly desireable. Do we have Farrohk MTO this board set, or will you handle it? 3) One situation that continually arose during the development of S.T.U.N. Runner was that I would implement something, that you folks could use, or Max or Steph would implement something that would be very useful to us in our project. Alas, even though we often saw each other daily, informing each other of these new features & improvements did not happen in any orderly fashion. This was especially apparent at the end of the STUN when Max came over and added a whole bunch of error detection code to the system based upon changes that had been accumulated in teh Driver code over the time period after which we first go the system code from Applied. Now there are at least 3 projects using the same basic system. I propose that we meet to discuss ways in which this exchange of information can be made in a timely yet painless fashion, especially since none of the projects share any actual source files. This could go a long way towards speeding up development for all projects concerned. - Ed Rotberg -
Mar 05, 1990