atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

DIO volunteers anyone?

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I need some assistance. We have max'd out the capabilities of our DIO's.
They currently each hold 64k bytes of memory and because of hardware
limitations (who will ever need more than 64k?) cannot be upgraded to
contain more. Since we are starting to use 27512's (64k bytes in one
EPROM), this is cramping everyone's style. DIO tells me that we can
buy (for a few thousand bucks) the latest and greatest model 29B which
doesn't have the 64k limitation. We can also get their gang programmer
which has 128k (not limited to, however) and 20 (count 'em, T-W-E-N-T-Y)
sockets that each can be programmed with different data. The gang programmer
is a model 121 and I've been lead to believe that production has (or had)
several and one of them might be "extra".

Here's where the volunteer stuff comes in. I need somebody to run this
down, see what can be done and how much it'll cost, etc. The one(s) who
use the DIO the most stand the most to gain by 'fixing' what we've got
and/or making recommendations for what we should get in the future. Atari
corp's production and engineering used IMI programmers which were better
than the DIO's, so maybe you can hunt one of those down. Anybody got nuthin
to do who wants to design and build a new one?

Message 1 of 1

Sep 09, 1985