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Date: May 18, 1992 17:29
I'd like to formally ask Rich and/or John (I hope I've got the right mailing list (;-)) to set a date for the first Atari Engineering BBL. My nomination for a first topic would be: "Management's Role in Fostering Creativity" but I'd sure like to here what other people would like to discuss
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Date: May 27, 1992 10:42
There will be a brown bag lunch this Thursday, 12:00 noon sharp, The topic will be "Brown Bag I" subtitled "Ways to foster Creativity". It will be held in the engineering conference room with Rich Moore. The purpose of this "meeting" will be for US to talk and management to listen to concrete ideas on how we (meaning management and peons) can create a creative environment at Atari. I will be the moderater; we will, hopefully, deal in realistic and specific plans which will be implemented, kvetching (e.g. I can't get anything done because everybody hates me etc.) and schmickeling (e.g. I just think management is doing a wonderful job and this is the best of all possible managers etc.) will be promptly censured. Please RSVP me as soon as possible so that I can get an idea of wiether we can all fit into the room. P.S. yes I know, I can't spell P.P.S. least the question arise, yes I can be bought (;-)
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Date: May 27, 1992 11:20
I'm sorry, I seem to have given the impression that only people with specific ideas may attend the lunch. My apologizes, I was try to impress upon people that this was not to be hand waving, great thory but no action kind of meeting. Of course all are welcome, in fact the more the merrier... s/thory/theory/
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Date: June 03, 1992 10:50
There will be another brown bag lunch this thursday, same time (noon), same place (eng conf room). Last meeting we discussed those factors which foster and inhibit creativity. We came to the following conclusions: FOSTER: 1. Communication both within the company and with the outside world 2. Solutions, not Problems think of reasons why it will work, not why it won't 3. Positive Feedback atta-boys (sexist), management involvement INHIBIT: 1. Inbreeding, NIH the assumption that we know it all and best 2. Problems, not Solutions 3. Monkey See/Monkey Do, Knee Jerk management reacting to the current marketplace instead of innovating for the future, short range planning 4. Cubicals FEH! 5. Feudal Society operating as a loose confederation as opposed to a single company We also felt that the fault was not in our not being creative enough or not working hard enough, but rather the system in which we toil. To that end each person attending this weeks meeting is ask to bring at least one suggestion as to how they would change the current system to make it more responsive to our needs
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Date: June 11, 1992 09:38
My car died yesterday (actually the muffler fell off) and I have to spend lunch today running around getting it fixed. Soo... Today's Brown Bag Lunch is cancelled. See you next Thursday.
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Date: June 24, 1992 14:40
There will be a Brwon Bag lunch tomorrow in the Eng Conference room, I would like to discuss ways that we can specifically improve communications and what other companies that we have worked for have done to improve morale creativity, and communications see you dere
May 18, 1992