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Date: August 21, 1992 18:54
Since the birth of JSA3 with Batman, numerous JSA3s and SAIIs are now floating around being used on hardware in developement. With a 6502 program and some sounds, you too could have cool sounds and music on your game under develope- ment. Well, thanks to an oddity of the 6502, RPM had to change how it addresses things on audio boards. This manifested itself in a new DECODE gal which is imcompatible with the older one used on Batman, MMII, OTW, Talons, Road Riot, etc. Soooooooo, the next time you rig up a new hardware and pop a JSA3 board on it (SAIIS is pretty much extinct) be sure to reprogram the DECODE gal (17C) using the new JED file located at: [AUDIO.PALS.JSA3] DECODE.JED. I renamed the older files OLD_DEC.xxx .
Aug 21, 1992