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Date: November 24, 1987 11:42
Did you ever have a new tool and wonder what you could do with it? In KIM$SYSDEVICE:[UTILITIES.LANG] you'll find a C program and com file (and several supporting files, which is why it has a directory of it's own) for doing language translation comparisons. Read no further till you need to. LANG searches the specified C program for directives (specified as constants--unless you are Ed or Bob, you'll have to change them) that delineate areas of text constants. Within those bounds, it spits out (to temp files) any strings it encounters. LANG.COM runs the program, giving it wildcard capability, and follows it with a DIFF run of the temp files, providing the cryptanalysts with a side- by-side comparison of phrases in (currently) English-French, and English German. The basic program is easily modified. It doesn't know much about C programs, including (excluding?) comments. It can be easily fooled. It is presumed that you're trying to work within its boundaries, not find exotic stuff that won't work. If you need help with using or modifying it, let me know. sas
Nov 24, 1987