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Date: June 03, 1986 16:03
Please notice the "to:" line of this message. The "junk" distribution list is specifically intended for messages of general interest, but not REALLY vital or business_related. Free kittens, restaurant referals, etc. properly go to "junk", which is not a comment on the content of the message. This is NOT the place to send messages like holiday schedule, parking-lot repaving, etc. Conversely, "everybody" IS intended for business_related messages which EVERYBODY (note the name) NEEDS to see. If your message fits that description, then PLEASE DO use "everybody", so nobody misses out. When we made it possible for non-systems people to use "everybody", in response to a growing need, we asked that it not be used for casual traffic. I am repeating that request. The only people you will miss by using "junk" are those who have specifically requested NOT to receive general-interest stuff. I, grouch that I am, am nonetheless on "junk". Knowing that, can you imagine the sort of grouches that have requested removal from junk? Do you really want to give a kitten to such a person? Do you think they buy flowers? I thought not. Just as a recap: the following lists exist: junk Just about everybody, except a few grouches everybody Literally everybody with a VAX account engineer The whole engineering dept. unix People interested in the unix(tm) operating system system The four of us systems folk mooreteam People reporting to Rich Moore animators Just what it says rainsgang People reporting to Lyle Rains vangang People reporting to Dan Van alphateam People reporting to Chris Downend component Components Engineering teamtaco Design Services survivors The softball team The following should be self explanatory: mfg purch custsvc finance admin management Thanks for your time Mike
Jun 03, 1986