atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

threads filed under 'software'
21 - 30 of 47

new intermetrics linker/locater/formatter/assembler

Aug 19, 1985 | 1 message

There is a new release of the intermetrics assembler, linker, locater & formatter. The linker/locater now will allow sections with lengths...
filed under: software

"Features" of the new ASM68

Aug 23, 1985 | 1 message

As many of you may have already noticed, the new Intermetrics assembler for the 68000 has a few differences. You probably already know...
filed under: software, sysadmin


Aug 23, 1985 | 1 message

It is important for all to know that when programming 27128 EPROMS that you take a good look at what the "real" part number is. There is a...
filed under: software, hardware

Shareable libraries...

Sep 09, 1985 | 1 message

Those of you that have linked programs to the shareable libraries will have to re-link them. This happens with each new release of VMS and...
filed under: software

Bad Bug in Vax C (and in some PPS utilities)

Sep 24, 1985 | 1 message

Just a polite warning to anyone using any C programs: (i.e. I just got chomped upon by this bug): When using formatted input via VAX C, if...
filed under: software, bugs

to "C" hackers

Oct 01, 1985 | 1 message

WARNING: A lesson which might be less painful for you if you learn it here: FILE *outfil; char c; /* output char */ int err...
filed under: software, bugs

Creeping Featuritis (Moose Turd Pie?)

Oct 14, 1985 | 1 message

Per Messr Peter Lipson's request, I have added an option to QDF which will allow you to omit the RAM portion of your .HEX files. The switch...
filed under: software

Screen mode debugger

Oct 22, 1985 | 1 message

Some of you might appreciate a brief intro to the version 4 VMS debugger. DEBUG works with all VMS languages, so C, BASIC, FORTRAN and...
filed under: software

new asm68, clnk, cloc etc

Oct 29, 1985 | 1 message

Ok, I have checked out the latest release of the Intermetrics stuff, and it's OK. so please change your initialisation as follows:- $ @...
filed under: software


Nov 06, 1985 | 1 message

The intermetrics library utility used to create a new version of the library file every time a modification was made to it. However now...
filed under: software