atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

What I did on my summer vacation

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There will be a multi-media event this Friday at 12:30 in the
Central Conference room, with a slide show, environmental audio recordings,
custom 3-D Viewmaster slides, and commentary.  Topics include:

	Global Destruction of the Rainforests
	Radio For Peace International
	Compare and Contrast San Jose CA and San Jose CR
	The Search for Signs of CIA involvement in Costa Rica
	Sloth--Animal or State of Mind? 
Many of the slides are by 3 of my neighbors who are world-class professional
nature photographers/biologists.  These slides are just amazing--weird and
disgusting insects, and birds and bats and toads and cats and lots of other
jungly critters.  I got permission to show them on the condition that I use the
slide show to raise money for the Monteverde Conservation League, an
organization which is working on reforestation, education, and expanding the
Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve to protect endangered species from having their
habitat converted to Burger King pasture land.  So, I'm requesting a $2 donation
per person.  ($25 will buy an acre of rain forest, so a little bit goes a long
way.  And I'll have them send Atari a nice "ownership" certificate.) 

If anyone has a Viewmaster viewer sitting in their toy box at home (or their toy
box here, for that matter), please bring it--it'll help speed up the 3-D portion
of the show.

See these critters now, before they (and we) go extinct.

Message 1 of 1

Nov 30, 1988