atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

warning/danger..contains 100% politics

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The decline and fall rarely happens over night. Slowly, imperceptibly, people
stop caring, stop believing in the system. First it's born cynics that see the 
cracks in the structure. It takes years of being reminded by those "in the
know" that only a fool does anything but think of his/her own self interest
before it starts becoming "obvious" to everyone.

	in our own case, the co-opting of the news media is almost complete.
the talking heads ramble on about who's surging in the polls, or who had the
best "sound bite" today. facts? that would only confuse the "issues". we see
an endless parade of experts mast******* each other and moaning about how awful
the election process has become. 

	you bored by the time it comes time to vote??? thats because you're 
supposed to be! I bet one more generation of bored, ignorant voters ought to be
enough for the puppet masters behind the likes of ronnie and george to go

	"But that mike guy is so cold and distant and bush is such a decent
family man sort of guy".  you know the bush campaign has the best ad-men 
that money can by, you really got to hand it to them if they can sell you 

where is all this going, you ask? Well .....surprise! I'm not going to 
endorse a vote for mikey, although if i had to chose between tweedle bee
and tweedle dee, I pick dee.

	What I really want to remind you of is that there are other choices,
like the libertarian candidate, peace and freedom (remember those nuts?), etc.
I am always amazed that the same people that complain about the nonentities
dished up by the repudemic party don't want to "waste their vote" by voting
other than "2" party. If these two don't make you think third party, what will?

	Ron Paul is the libertarian candidate. (I think that's his name, but
gosh it sure is hard to remember having only heard it once in the electronic
media.) libertarians have more good ideas in two planks of their platform 
than the whole demoblican party's.  (mommy.....what's a platform?) (any guy
with two first names has gotta be a flake......)

	the only slam against the libertarians is that they may want to go to 
far in trimming the government. but I figure by the time they reach national
prominence they will tone down a bit.

	oh, and don't forget to vote all incumbents out.



ps: i posted some articles detailing the wonderful record of the bush/reagan
years on the environment on the bulletin board outside dan's office. as you
read think about bush's latest "we can't afford to take that risk" ads.

pps: do you really want the former head of the gestapo in charge of our
banana republic in the making?


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I apologize  for mispelling mast********. I just forgot the G.
Message 1 of 2

Nov 07, 1988