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Date: April 10, 1991 13:32
From: KIM::BRAD "Virtual exercise --- think about it..." 10-APR-1991 14:32:17.14 To: @SYS$MAIL:EE CC: BRAD Subj: GENERIC AUDIO SELF TEST PROCEDURES The AUDIO Group recommends that before a game is released for manufacturing the majority of audio calls are removed from the AUDIO portion of the SELF-TEST. The reason is that we DO NOT want to give our competition the advantage of having intimate knowledge of our operations. The recommended audio calls to be included for RELEASE are: * Any audio processor related tests (like YAMAHA (usually S_YTST) and ADPCM (usually S_ADTEST)). * SCOM or other communications test (NOTE that this is usually an internal test and not a specific call available to the user. It is usually reported to the user at the beginning of the AUDIO SELF-TEST) * The ability to RESET or STOP all sounds * Reporting of diagnostic results (NOTE that this is also usually internal and not a specific call. It's usually reported at AUDIO SELF-TEST startup) * DAC for VOLUME calls (if appropriate) * Generally, any calls that would help test the game on the line - brad -
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Date: April 10, 1991 14:41
From: KIM::STARK 10-APR-1991 14:38:02.63 To: KIM::BRAD CC: Subj: RE: GENERIC AUDIO SELF TEST PROCEDURES I fully agree and did so with Pit. You're mail made it sound more difficult than it really is. Since all the 'required' sounds are at the beginning of the list, all one really has to do is make an arbitrary upper limit cut-off after, say, the first 30 sounds. You might want to point this out to folks so as not to scare them away... gary
Apr 10, 1991