atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

Stuff in UTL$PPS

(1 / 1)


In an effort to identify obsolete utilites in utl$pps, I have moved a bunch
of files from 

	ee$userdisk:[pps.utilities] 	(aka utl$pps:) 

If your favorite utility has suddenly vanished, let me know and I'll put it
back. If I'm not around and you need it right away, just define a symbol to 
point to the new location for the utility and use that until I can put the
utility back for you.  For example, if XXX.EXE has vanished, the line below
will let you run SYMXXX instead of XXX to run the utility.

	$ symxxx :== $ ee$userdisk:[pps.utilites.obsolete]xxx.exe

					-- jim
Message 1 of 1

May 03, 1991