atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

renumber that macro!

(1 / 1)

	For all you macro users.

    How many times have you spent your precious work time looking for a
new slot for a local label. You know.. trying to remember if you used
45$ or not..  Have I got the program for you.  Direct from the Pete Lipson
school of better C learning:  MACRNM.EXE!   This fine C program will 
renumber your otherwize sloppy local labels for free!  

  Heres all you do:

	In your assignment section:

   After you have spent countless hours creating alot of unsightly unsequenced
local labels you run my program:

	$RENUM filename[.MAC] [delta] [base]

	  filename[.MAC] -> is your MAC11,MAC65,MAC69 filename 
			   ( .MAC extension not neccessary..
			     we throw that in at no added cost!)
	  [delta] ->	   is the (optional!) delta between labels..
			   ie: 1,10,100..
			   (we default to 10 at no added cost!)	
	  [base]->	   is the (optional!) base of each label
			   (we default to 10 at no added cost!)

   So act today.. don't delay friend.. this offer is limited to
one macro file per run!
				send complaints to:
				this address
				this address
Message 1 of 1

Jan 15, 1987