atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

Programming PALs on the DATA I/O

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Programming a PAL with correct data ?

The data I/O interface program for the PAL programmer has been modified.
When you type TYDIO filename without any extension, the program checks that 
the JEDEC file is dated later that the .PDS file. If you modify the .PDS file 
but forget to compile it, TYDIO will tell you that the .JDC or .JED file is not 
current, and then asks you to confirm that you want it downloaded.

The rules are :
TYDIO first looks for a .JDC file (includes simulation vectors), a 
.JED file (no simulation vectors) and a .PDS file (source)
The .JDC file is downloaded if :
	it exists and
	it is dated later than the .PDS and .JED files (if they exist)
else the .JED file is downloaded if :
	it exists and
	it is dated later than the .PDS and .JDC files (if they exist)
else you are notified if the .PDS file is dated after both .JED and .JDC files 
if they exist and you are asked to confirm that you want to continue.

You can bypass all this if you need to (say you want to download an earlier 
version) by including the filename extension and optional version number after 
the TYDIO command.

Report bugs to me if you please.

Also, MAKE can be used to compile PALs, and it doesn't mess with sys$print, or 
purge your directory like PAL2 does. If you are interested in the format, call 
or reply.

Message 1 of 1

Nov 02, 1988