atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

Possible EEPROM problem

(1 / 1)

There is a race condition involving the EEPROM unlock circuit. This can be
cured with a very simple software change. See your hardware guy to see if this
is a problem with your hardware. 

A typical EEPROM lock circuit is shown below:

      /UNLOCK ____                                    
             |   S   |                             
       GND --|D     Q|---- /OE                               
             |       |                             
             |       |                             
       /WL --|>      |                               
             |       |                             

The problem is that /UNLOCK and /WL occur at the same time, plus or minus a
gate delay or two. If the path for /WL is slightly slower, the EEPROM will not
get unlocked. The solution is to do the unlock with a byte write to the high
byte only. This suppresses /WL and the problem goes away. 
Message 1 of 1

Feb 13, 1990