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Date: January 29, 1987 15:12
We have a new programmer starting on Monday 2/2/87. Please welcome Ed Rotberg back to Atari. Ed worked here at Atari from 1979 to 1981. He programmed Baseball, and Battlezone among other things. Then he started his own company, Videa. Then Videa was bought by Sente. Then Sente was bought by Bally. Consequently, Ed has in-depth technical and product expertise in the coin-op game field. Ed will be joining us in a technical capacity as a senior staff level Software Engineer with nearly 14 years experience since receiving his BSEE from the University of Michigan. Ed will be programming and projectleading a coin-op game project. Ed's office will be just outside Cyndy's office. He will be using the old Roadrunner lab for game development. Norm has chosen to move (his option) his office out of the lab and into the office near Dave Ralstons office. I am happy to have Ed join our staff - please extend him a warm welcome...let's see, how do you exorcise evil "Sente" spirits?...
Jan 29, 1987