atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.


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	The Boy Scouts of America Troop 30 is selling mistletoe to 
	pay for their activities for the next year.  Please come to 
	the Engineering Common area and pick up a bag or two.  If you 
	cannot come call Ed at x1739 and I will deliver.



(2 / 2)



	Boy Scout Troop 30 is selling mistletoe to earn money for their
	1991 activities.  This mistletoe was picked and packaged by the
	scouts just over a week ago.  Drop by the Engineering Common area
	and pick up a package.  If you can't make it, give Ed a call at
	x1739.  This is the last week before we go out of business (until
	next year).  And just a reminder, DON'T eat the berries, they are
Message 1 of 2

Dec 10, 1990