atari email archive

a collection of messages sent at Atari from 1983 to 1992.

MicroEmacs text editor

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A public domain EMACS is available in [brad.microemacs].
This version of EMACS has most of the common commands found on the high-priced
EMACS, - search, multiple windows, buffers, spawning etc.. It can be defined
for AMIGA, ST 520, CP/M, VMS, UNIX V (maybe more, but I can't remember). I
can't speak for the other OSs but all commands that are in the brief
documentation (kim::[brad.microemacs]m_emacs.doc) work under VMS. Please try it
out and tell me if you find any bugs. Better yet, port it over to your machine!
(especially if you have a 520 cuz I'd like a copy for myself!).
The entire source code in C, makefile and executable version reside in the
directory. ED.H is the header file that is used to define your

If you would like to try it out, define this in your


(by the way I'm on KIM::)

My initial reactions of MicroEmacs:

It works so far
It seems to be pretty fast (that is with a VAX, I don't know what will happen
     using a micro)
I like multiple windows
I like the thought of having the SOURCE and adding features that I like
I like being able to call DCL (create an interactive shell) from the editor,
     doing a directory, copy or mail, for instance, then going
     back to the editor where I left off!
I like having ONE editor that resides on MANY machines so I don't have to
     relearn everytime I go to another machine
I'm familiar with EMACS, it might take the unfamiliar some time getting used to.

Documentation is terse. I should (so they tell me) be able to obtain
     better doc later.
The documentation is suitable for printing on one of the LQ printers

This product has no guarantee but please let me know if you find any bugs.
Not that I would/could fix them but I will post any problems/updates to people
that are interested. If you would like to know of any updates or other info
on MicroEmacs please send me your name and if there is enough interest
I'll create a mailing list.

- brad -
Message 1 of 1

Feb 04, 1986