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Date: February 10, 1992 15:30
I never did like Sprint, but now I have another reason. I picked this up on UseNet, in the Risks Forum: ---- quote ---- From: [email protected] Subject: US Sprint offering phone fraud insurance It's been reported that US Sprint is trying to "transform a billion-dollar industrywide problem into a source of income" by offering phone fraud insurance to its customers (Information Week, 2/3/92). Discussions about the conflict of interest inherent in making a "security industry" financially dependent on a thriving security problem suddenly seem much less far-fetched... Is security against phone fraud something that Sprint, a company that doesn't require the use of PINs on their calling cards, should be asking its customers to pay for? Jonathan Allen, University of California, Irvine CORPS (Computers, ORganizations, Policy, and Society) program ---- quote ---- So, let's see if I read this straight. U.S. Sprint, a company famous for placing randomly generated calls on your bill just to see if you notice, is now going to charge you "insurance" to cover the costs of those calls you didn't make, but that you were not allowed to keep others from making. Ah, Progress. Keep in mind that the LD companies are currently lobbying fairly heavily to extend into the LATA, that is, soon you will need to specify which LD carrier handles all your "message unit" calls, and, of course, your local bill will go up to provide for "equal access", even if you make _no_ out of area calls. Lynch Judge Green NOW!!! Mike
Feb 10, 1992